
sept. 14.  2012

day 5

last morning of paris…we awoke at 5:00am to get bags packed, and the apartment in order.   our taxi we ordered the night before came and left…without us…so we were sweating bullets for a few minutes, but got a hold of another one.  our train(tvg-high speed) left paris gare de lyon train station at 9:11, and we arrived to Geneva a little after noon.  we then caught a smaller train from geneva to montreux, which took an hour.  the train from geneva to montreux goes along lake geneva, and once you see it, you really don’t ever want to go back home.  you start thinking of ways to try and make a living over here so you can stay and see the view everyday!  so the “large” taxi’s to house all of us took off from the train station, so i’m sure it was quite a sight to see six people lugging 7 pieces of luggage through the beautiful streets of montreux, the distance of 1 kilometer to the hotel…but we made it!

i really haven’t had many personal connections in my time…but when we were making our plans for this trip, my grandma let me know we had relatives who owned a hotel on lake geneva.  she emailed mireille for us to see if it was possible for us to stay with them.  mirielle said of course, we could stay in her mother’s apartment.  we have been very blessed to be able to not only stay here, but with relatives and get to know a part of their lives and their stories.  they have been so very gracious, and we have enjoyed our time today.  we were able to eat dinner on the terrace of the hotel, overlooking geneva lake and the alps.  magnifique!

we’ve had a long but wonderful day, and are ready to head off to bed.  just wait and see where we are going tomorrow!   good night.


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