
august 13.  2011

I have come to love Ferris Wheels…Jarom and I rode one in France last year outside the Louvre…and I have come to appreciate the perspective that a Ferris Wheel can give.  Sometimes you are on top, and can see everything so clearly with a far perspective, and other times you are heading downward, and can only see things really close with a very narrow perspective of things.  We swing up and swing down in life.  Things are great, things aren’t going so well, but as we are taught in Sunday School, it’s how you handle the ups and downs that really matter.  I just want to say, as the downs are very difficult, we find the ups to be liberating, we are grateful, and we enjoy them more knowing the downs we have experienced.

So that leads me into our family journey…one might say it sounds like the ferris wheel is heading down, but I beg to differ.  I feel it swinging up…it may get stuck a few times, but it’s heading up.

Looking back on the day, when I would meet someone who had a food allergy, I remember thinking that I just don’t know how they could live without milk, or gluten, or eggsI’m grateful for our process of receiving the news line upon line.  Before testing anyone else in our family, I thought it was just all me, since my symptoms of lack of health were obvious.  But it has led us on a journey of discovering that you can be allergic to foods without even knowing it, and it causing long-term health effects if not treated.  So yes, I am grateful for having had my journey, a hard one as it has been, but now knowing the food allergies our whole family has, has given us the chance to rebuild and strengthen our bodies and hopefully giving us not only longer lives, but more importantly, a quality life.

The answers to a few tests have come in.

Allergies to food:  Alex and Camden are allergic to gluten, dairy, eggs, and each one has a few more allergies individually.  ( We have come to love Almond milk now, but both are allergic to almonds.  So now they have come to love Rice Vanilla Milk.  Thank goodness for so many options!)

Madison only has a few food allergies, which I was very surprised about!  Eggs, bananas, pineapple, and asparagus.

Now as to the test that overwhelms me more than any food allergy, is the lyme testAll three older girls are positive.

So, now what?  Thank goodness for yahoogroups!  The response of one mother who has a 13 year old who can’t even leave the house because her lyme is so bad, responded to a thread of mine, and mentioned besides the salt/c protocol which we both do, they started NAET, a way of relieving the body of allergens, and helping bring balance to the body.

For those of you who haven’t ever been sick, one might say… what?  You just go to a Western Medicine doctor, they say, “you have this or that, or we don’t know what it is”, and then you take the medicine they give you.  Well, one could live that way, and I’m not knocking Western medicine, because it has a time and place to be used, and can save lives in some instances.  It saved our second daughters life as they rebuilt her arch in her heart at 7 days old.  But long term health isn’t healed and resolved this way.  So our next journey, will be what happens, how we respond, and hopefully positive things from NAET.  It’s going to be a tough journey, as your body has to work through healing.  So, here we go

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