our new addition…

April 7.  2012

Jarom and I decided to try this again…only…we decided if we were to get a dog, it would not be a puppy(Our first family puppy we got for Christmas 2010, and re-homed it four months later.  Way too much work, especially when Jarom was traveling Mon-Fri., and I am homeschooling and have chronic health issues, not easy to deal with a new pup).

Plus, since moving to Colorado, everywhere we go, the girls are like, “everyone has a dog here!”  I would say, “Yep, but not us thank goodness!”  Now we feel like we fit in in Colorado, being an “outdoorsy family with a dog.”

So after hours of searching for the “perfect” family dog, we found her!  Our three year old labradoodle, Shelby.  She was used for breeding, but was so sad when her pups were taken away, she lost all her hair.  They tried breeding her one more time, and the same thing happened, so they wanted to just find her a good home.  We were so fortunate to find her, it’s hard to find an adult labradoodle.

She is just a sweetheart!  Labradoodle’s don’t shed, love to please, and are very intelligent!  She has definitely shown us that.  I also love the look of a lab, with the curly hair of a poodle.  They are also as hypoallergenic as you can get-and Jarom hasn’t shown any sign of allergies with her.    She is potty trained, and has only barked twice in a week-she didn’t care for the huge snow falling from the sky the other day!

She was kept in her crate all day by the previous owner since she worked away from the home,  but now, she’s out a ton-we hug on her and rub her sides and face, and if we stop, she puts her face down to our hand.  She has learned sit, up, and down in just two days.  When we first got her, we would put our hand out to pet her, and she would jump.  She’s adjusting now to all the noises of our house, and a family of six.  She loves the attention, and we are so glad to have her!  She is going to love hiking and biking and fishing with us I’m sure.  She already loves running with Jarom, and stays right by his side.  We hope she loves her new life, we love her sweetness already!

Her color is really cool.  She has the white poodle hair mixed in with the brown lab hair, so she’s silvery, with patches of brown.  I love her brown eyes, with the brown patches around them and around her nose and mouth.  So cute!!! 

P.S.  Since I’m a neat freak, and I don’t want our floors and things all dirty from a dog going outside and inside, we started from the very beginning wiping her paws with a wipey before bringing her in the house.  She now will lift her paw when we ask.  It’s awesome!  And the house stays clean, which is what I love!

She has brown eyes…obviously not a green and yellow eye!

Still checking out the rooms and getting used to them…

You know this was bound to happen with four kids, and one of them being a teenager!…

She is getting much more comfortable in just a week, as you can see…her feet propped up on the side of the crate and wall!…

I love all the mixes of brown on her…

What a sweet doggy!…

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