our little madison…

may 2. 2009
Madison, you have fought to be here from the beginning. After 10 weeks of being in the hospital, and three surgeries later, we were able to bring you home. You had a feeding tube going into your tummy, and we fed you with a pump for two years. Mommy and Daddy were pretty much nurses for the first two years, medicine around the clock, and you didn’t have an immune system, so if you got a cold, it would last 7 or 8 weeks, and we would have to stay in most of that time. At the age of two, Alex was eating gummy bears when we were going for a walk, and you reached for one. We couldn’t give you one fast enough, and that started you eating through your mouth. Mind you, we had done physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy during these two to three years intensely, and you made great headway. We had to teach you what most children pick up instinctively. But pretty soon, after watching Alex, she taught you a lot that we couldn’t teach you by having you do, you learned it by watching her, which was and still is a tremendous blessing! You have come leaps and bounds, and still continue to do so. You are such a wonderful spirit, full of life, not worried about how things are done, you just blaze the trail doing it your own way, and I love you for it!

One thought on “our little madison…

  1. Thanks for your link again. I have missed visiting. I will try not to lose this again. Your girls are getting so big. Nadia is one, madison 8, and you guys are always out doing amazing things and making wonderful memories. You are one busy woman. Impressive. We visited the Great Wolf Lodge too here in WA, was it stinky because of the chlorine? Ours was just built 30 miles from us. Have a great summer, keep in touch! Love you!

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