new friends, and their friends…

friday.  june 26.  2015

the kelly’s and their friends the von niederhausern’s and their friend stockton came out to jaibalito today.  what an awesome group of people!  the kids got in a few games before we headed down to the village to play with the village kids.  there were 20 of us, and about 20-30 village kids, so we headed to the school yard.  it was so dang warm, and we managed to get in a little tag, and luciano was begging to swim.  so we agreed, and headed to the docks.  it was so awesome!  the older kids and the dads decided to just go jump in-and hang with the ninos swimming and sitting on the dock.  the girls can’t swim-i guess because of their skirts.  and the boys just strip down to their undies-which girls can’t do.  so the moms sat with all the village girls cheering on those who were swimming.  then luciano comes around paddling a boat, and started bring people from one place to the other.

the private boat had showed up, so we all jumped on, landed in pana, and all 20 of us piled into the kelly’s truck and headed to the eagle’s nest orphanage.  we were there for a bit, and came back to pana.  the von’s introduced us to empanadas…uhhhh, holy cow, how delicious could fried bread with shredded chicken and sauce be?  amazing.  the girls and i caught a boat home so we wouldn’t get stuck in pana-and headed up to the house.  it was a great, adventurous, spontaneous, fun day.  it’s always so fun to run into people with the same desire to live abroad, and travel the world.  kindred spirits for sure.

the internet has been pretty sketchy, mostly down lately.  which means, we have been playing lots of games, and chatting, and spending great time together.  our shower needed batteries to get warm water, and we finally figured that out too.  i really enjoy this life here.

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