lots of little changes…

october 12.2008
Daddy noticed little Nadia has two teeth coming in. Congratulations! You started doing these screams, since you’ve figured out you have a voice, and you’ll sit and do “happy screams” for like thirty minutes. Then you started rolling from back to front about the same time, and now the screams have turned to growls, which is kinda funny when we walk past someone and you growl at the same moment! You are almost sitting by yourself too, what a busy week for you!

It’s the cutest thing when we lay you down to go do sleep in your crib. You will extend your arms out and tuck your hands underneath the bumper pads, and when you are laying on your stomach, you’re really still, but will kick your legs with your little hands tucked under outstretched on each side. So dang cute. I love it when I kiss your cheek, and you are really still and smile, you just love the attention!

The other thing you have been doing, is kinda crying when we are eating at the table. You are in your high chair next to us, and you are crazy for food. I’ve given you a little of a baked potato, and a little banana. You can’t stand just watching us, you are very smart! O.k., maybe I let you taste a little chocolate ice cream I must admit, as you can see from the picture.

You are so entertained and loved by these sweet sisters of yours, they all love to change, feed, and entertain you. You have the sweetest giggle. You’re just growing up too quickly!

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