little shop of stories…leads to big things…

april 7. 2010
The Hansen’s introduced Alex to a book series, written by Rick Riordan, called Percy Jackson. We had never started the series, and Alex started them and loved them. Then the Hansens said if we bought his new book, which is the start of a new series from “little shop of stories,” then you would also get a ticket and would be able to go to the author’s book signing, and meet him. So Alex and Jackson went and bought the book, and then the dad’s took all the kids to wait in line, listen to the author speak, which ended up being held at Emory, and then you were able tomeet the author and get your pick signed by him. You were allowed one question to the author, and Alex asked, “How did you come up with the characters in your books?” Rick replied, “From people I”ve known.” Great question! They had a blast, and the girls got dressed up and were so excited to meet him. The dads, Jarom and Jason Hansen were exhausted, after having waited for two hours to get the books signed, with starving kids, and after a busy work day, but they were heroes to their kids! Alex loves the new series, Red Pyramid, and is anxiously awaiting the next book in the series, which comes out later this year.

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