bumps, lumps, and bruises…

april 7. 2010
So, I had the opportunity to accompany Alex to the emergency room in December when she gashed her leg at a basketball game on the bleachers, and had to go with her to get it stitched up, which, let’s just say, I don’t do open flesh/blood/body fluids very well, but I had to man up since Jarom was out of town.

So, we move to Georgia, and Madison hit her head on Uncle Vaughn’s rocks at his pool, and was found in the emergency room with Madison. Thank goodness she didn’t pass out in the pool though, she had a gash in her head with lots of blood though. So grateful for real hospitals, it was amazing. An emergency room just for children. Awesome, and we made it through that spill, yes, without Jarom, and did I mention, lots of blood? Yeah.

So this pic is of another accident with Madison, she fell in the driveway when she was riding her bike, and got a huge lip, and thankfully didn’t knock any teeth out, whew! She just had a big boo-boo for a week.

Well, of course, Camden was riding her bike in May, with some friends in their neighborhood, and wasn’t used to the fast downhill, and didn’t brake either, and fell really hard. Thank goodness she was wearing her helmet. She said, “The Fed-ex guy even came over to help me and make sure I was all right!” My dear friend was watching the girls while I was getting my hair done, and I came back, got the story, and since she’s a PA, she said maybe take her in to the emergency room, because Cam wouldn’t stop crying. We waited a bit, and thought, she’ll be fine. Then Cam throws up all over her floor, so we head to the ER, she throws up when we pull-up(another amazing hospital, Children’s hospital near Emory, amazing I might add!), we get admitted, and she throws up in the hospital room. So we’re worried she might have a bleed on her brain, and they’re deciding to do a CAT Scan or not(it’s the equivalent of 500 x-rays to the brain!!!), but they figure since she’s displayed a few certain things, it’s best. And thank heavens, she didn’t have a bleed. May have had a concussion, no test for that, so you just have to be careful. And hopefully that’s the last of my visits to the ER!!!

So, there’s our ER excursions that need to be journaled girls, so you can remember some of the crazy things that have happened!!!

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