fairfax corner…

august 2009
There’s a fun outdoor shopping area in Fairfax, Virginia with shops and restaurants, and in the middle of the plaza, there are fountains that the kids can play in. It’s been so hot and humid, we thought it would be fun to go do. I also had to be in Fairfax Corner that evening anyway, so it was a perfect outing for everyone to go to. It gave me some good practice too to try and capture water, which is a lot of fun to work with, by the way! Little Madison was playing at a friends house that evening, so she’s not in any pic’s. But she had fun eating cookies with her buddy, so probably didn’t miss out too much!


august 6. 2009
I have officially, thanks to the help of a very smart and talented friend who is a patent attorney, filed and have a provisional patent. We’re excited to get our idea out there, starting with our own prototype as the next step. Who knows where it will go, but we know we’re going to try and have fun doing it. Thanks Jen! I can’t share what it is, until my year on the provisional is up, and I apply for the patent. Unless I get it to market earlier than my year, than I’ll be able to share I guess. It’s a great handy kitchen thingy though!