november 12. 2009
Since Jarom has been busy with contracts, traveling Sunday evening, and returning home Friday evenings, it’s been a great opportunity to spend one-on-one time with the girls. They’ve been rotating nights, staying up with me, watching a movie, doing a craft, playing a game or just relaxing. Madison wanted to watch a show, then do make-up, then play uno-attack, and finally at 12:30am, we climbed into bed. It’s so amazing how the littlest things, at least they seem little at first, make such a difference. Madison wanted to do her own make-up, and she had so much fun, while I waxed my eyebrows, did a mask, and took pic’s of her doing her own thing. We had some wonderful girl time. It’s when I do these things that I feel the happiest. Even though the kitchen needs to be cleaned, laundry done, schooling done, and meals made, I find the most joy in the times I actually play with the kids, which is hard for me to do. So I’m grateful that they haven’t given up on me yet!
What a wonderful lesson for all of us moms:) What fun pictures, too!!! Thanks for sharing.