final week of guatemala…

our final week in guatemala was a perfect wind-down week.  jarom joined us again-and brought his trusty friend-the drone:)

wednesday-went to the docks, played with the kids, painted nails, played ball and frisbee

thursday-nadia and i were sick, cam and madison went down to the village by themselves and played with the kids-i have such great kids!

friday-alex, madison, and camden went and played with kids in the village today.  the kids ended up yelling and waving from the village for me since i hadn’t made it down that day.

saturday-we hit para for groceries and our regular pizza stop, dropped off alex and madison at the church for a yw sleepover at the jensen’s house, and nadia and i brought back the groceries by ourselves…that was not fun:)

sunday-we cooked a cake, and cam carried it with hot pads down our mountain, through the village, on the boat ride, and up through pana, to the church.  a bit different than just getting in your car to take a cake somewhere:)  we had our last dinner with the jensens, and jarom had flown in.  we picked him up by the church, caught the last boat to our village, and girls and boys were waiting on the dock for us:)   the girls stayed the night with the jensens, having more fun with Lucy and the rest of the crew of course:)

monday-the jensens came out, we did our “store” for the village kids.  the kids had to fill two bags with garbage, to earn two coins.  they could then come into the store, and buy two things with their coins-we had brought lots of girl clothes, and our ward had donated lots of boy clothes.  we also had bought toys with our donation money-and the kids were so excited-we then went down to the docks with the jensens and village kids, and after bought ice cream from the ice cream man with our very last donation money.  he made about 60 quetzals, and it made his week you could tell.  the kids were happy, and we were so grateful to have been able to help this man also.  the jensens stayed the night at our place-so fun!

tuesday-jarom and alex went on the zip lining tour that juventa and i had done-it was breathtaking!  so glad they got to do it too!   we then met up with them and shopped in pana to get any last memorabilia, and headed home and watched some movies.

wednesday-the kids swam, we played with kids one last time, dinner at Hans’ place one last time, jarom tried to show the kids his drone, but it wouldn’t work, so we just played tag out on the yard in front of the village next to the lake.  it was beautiful, started raining, and we just loved it.  it was an awesome last day.

thursday-we headed home, back to the states.  the culture shock we experienced was amazing, even though we had grown up in the states, lived there all our lives, and was only gone 6 weeks, it was really weird to adjust.  even the grocery stores seemed extravagant and ridiculously overkill.  but we were back, and had two weeks to pack, find movers, and move into our new house we had found while in guatemala.  back to reality…bummer.


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