camden turns eight and gets baptized…

october 9.  2011

Even though Cam turned eight in September, she got baptized in October so that her grandparents could be there.  We were also blessed to have more family join us, the Holladay’s and Peck’s, for Cam’s special day.  Jarom baptized Camden, and she was given the gift of the Holy Ghost.  What a special day for Cam!  Our four girls learned, “I Am A Child of God” in french for the musical number, and did a beautiful job!  We also had some refreshments after, including lemonade with licorice straws.  Why is that so yummy and fun to eat? 

southern belle pumpkin patch…

october.  2011

One thing about Georgia, it’s still hot and sticky even into October.  We came to the pumpkin patch wearing sweaters, and had to shed layers because it was still so hot and humid.

This was a gorgeous pumpkin patch, probably one of the nicest ones we’ve ever been to.  Complete with corn maze, tractor hay rides, games in the middle of the farm, fresh squeezed lemonade, pig races, pumpkins from the patch, and go-kart racing.  It was so nicely maintained, and was beautiful.  We had such a nice time, except for the sweating of course!

Mom and dad getting in a little game of tether-ball.  Do you remember playing this on the playground growing up?  One of my favorite games!

alex and papa…

sept.  2011

Are we old enough to almost have a teenager?  It’s amazing how everything shifts as your kids get older.  You have to let control go, still guiding and giving boundaries of course, but letting them learn their own natural consequences, instead of as a parent, protecting them like we do when they are children.  It’s harder than any other parenting I’ve done.  It’s even harder to not argue with a teenager.  I am learning so much from Love and Logic, and if you have a teenager, I would say this is a MUST!  We don’t want to rule with an iron fist, or be a helicopter parent.  There is so much valuable information to help us learn what to say and do as our children become more independent, and learn the consequences of their choices, whether they be good or bad.

Here is an excellent article out of the Ensign…it goes right along with Love and Logic.

Helping without Hovering – Ensign Mar. 2012

cam and mom open birthday presents together…

september 2011

We had a little family birthday moment, since Jarom is mostly home on weekends, that’s when we set aside family time, and nothing else!  So we opened presents together, Cam and I, and we had a little family fun.

Jarom has always been amazing at making sure we have gifts, they are wrapped, and he’s very thoughtful in his presentation.  Me, on the other hand, am a little more scattered with the whole present thing.  So I’m glad our kids have daddy to help out on that issue.

our little cam…

september 2011

Our little Camden turned 8.  She has always been more mature than her age, and very independent.  Cam is competitive, and loves a good challenge.  Beating Alex in checkers is a great victory, now she’s on to chess, trying to beat Alex.  Our little Camden will research information, print out hand-outs, have her research in a page protector, and give a fabulous speech.  She’s very organized, and very intellectual, as schoolwork comes very easy to Cam.  Cam’s love language is gifts…she loves to give gifts, and loves to receive gifts.  She is a hard worker, and loves to surprise people.  Camden has a sweet heart, a strong testimony, and a wonderful imagination.  We are so grateful to have you sweet Camden in our family!

Cam’s birthday breakfast was homemade egg mcmuffin.  oh, ya, a fave of ours!

ohio visit…20th reunion…cam’s birthday…

september  2011

Our visit to Ohio for the weekend was quite busy!  We got to visit Jarom’s old high school, take the kids to a high school football game, do the reunion family picnic where Jarom was the entertainment with his remote helicopter, and a little time with family.  We celebrated Cam’s birthday with a cake and a present, and just had a fun time.

beach visit…

august 2011

Luckily, we live not too far from the beach…well, like 4 hours, which is great!  We made it down to the gulf of mexico coast in Florida.  It was a good little getaway, but as getaways go, still very busy.  Since we were still eating milk, gluten, and mostly sugar free, we ate good, but had to make everything homemade.  (Thank goodness we don’t have to do that anymore…it’s a lot of work for a family!)

Jarom came down with us Saturday, stayed until Tuesday, and then came back on Saturday to drive home with us…so he was a bit busy but we got to see him a few days nevertheless.

We had a lot of science opportunities for sure.  A man on the beach next to us caught a baby shark.  After a big storm one night, we went out the next day, and there were about 6 jellyfish floating where we like to swim…so in order for my kids to try and get back in the water, I went and fished them out, including getting stung…we saw crabs…birds…it was so great.

Now for a ton of pics…

the girls’ creativity…

august 2011

The girls are all so creative, and let’s not forget, dramatic!  So it’s even better when they put their drama together, and become creative with it.  They love to do plays, and even come up with the story line, parts, costumes, and some good acting.  It’s wonderful to see them having so much fun together.

 The Set
 The narrator
 Scene 1
 Cast having fun behind the scenes
 Audience enjoying the performance
Great characters
 Plot thickens
 The princess is saved!
 Everyone is happy in the end

Cast party