traveling to guatemala…

june 2-3.  2015

we have decided, that just getting down to guatemala was an adventure all of it’s own!  from door to door, it was about 23 hours of travel!  our red eye flight from denver to florida was killer, and the five hour layover in florida was a bit rough-we all mostly tried to get some shut-eye.

we made it to guatemala city airport, and at first look, didn’t see our driver with our names written on a paper.  we worried for a minute, but then decided to just give him time, and then, there he was!  we stopped by walmart before taking the 3 hour drive to the highlands, and grabbed some food.   we got what was needed, and started the three hour drive through the very windy roads to the highlands, and down to our lake…lake atitlan.  torrential rain had started, because we are in the rainy season- and we were driving through it-it was a lot of fun.  once we reached panajachel, the major city on the lake, we unloaded the 9 pieces of luggage that both families had brought, paid the manager over the traveling arrangements, walked to the boat dock, and got us all in-in a covered boat which was awesome since it was still raining.  it was awe-inspiring…the huge mountains, volcanoes, and green water we tripped on in the boat for 20 minutes over to our little village, jaibalito.  olson’s were dropped off first, and the price’s dock was another minute away.  we could see our house lit up on the hill, lights glowing-just magnificent!  we stepped onto the dock, and luciano, the boy who works for the owner of our home, and 7 other kids, grabbed our luggage, threw it on their backs, and started the hike through the village and up to our home-all while it was still raining.  we see the mayan village for the first time, it is now dusk and there is a little light to see our way.  we make our way to the back of the village and continue through the rain forest, hiking and finding the 120 stone steps up a steep incline, to our home tucked away on the front of the face of the mountain.

meeting nathalie, the belgian homeowner and getting a tour was lovely.  we just love the home.  it’s perfect for us to stay and be close together, and simple.  the architecture is beautiful, the windows and views are awe-inspiring, and no dishwasher, in hopes my kids never complain about doing dishes again after this experience. we ordered dinner from hans-the german restaurant owner in the village, which came to about 100 quatzels, about $13 dollars-so pretty good deal.  plus, his homemade bread is absolutely delicious.  (we are allergic to gluten, and even completely gluten free at home, but we decided, when in rome, do as the romans do-so here we are.)  luciano, the 14 year old boy who works around the house and helps with anything we need, ran and got the food and brought it back up the hill to us-i think i need a luciano back home!

after a seamless, but long and tiring day, there came the hiccup.  since the lights had been on into the night for us to see up the walkway, it drew in about 100 moths, climbing under the sliding glass doors and making their way in.  then the spiders were visible, as big as 50 cent pieces-about 8 of them.  once we were able to get the kids settled down, and tell them it was ok to go outside to use the bathroom(it’s covered on top, but open on both ends-super cool-we finally made our way into bed after almost a whole day of travel.  then we hear this music and talking being blasted from a speaker from the village.  then  the continuous barking of many dogs was keeping us all up, along with the rooster crowing.  but we all finally fell asleep playing music in the house and masking the outside noises.  we wanted to get the full village experience, so we are.

we were just so grateful for safe travels and great friends to be on this adventure with, a lovely home, and a huge learning experience and learning curve on how to keep bugs out.   the price/olson kids were amazing the whole trip-just went along with whatever we were doing.  so awesome!

to sit atop our village and see these views are simply…unbelievable.

+++our girls are taking their own pic’s and posting on instagram…if you would like to follow, their names are:




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2 thoughts on “traveling to guatemala…

  1. Glad you made it and happy to hear about your adventures. Reminds us of our time in Ghana and Nigeria and Majuro – all of them poor places with housing like you would never imagine people living in. It humbles you and makes you so grateful for America. Keep safe and keep up the good works. Today is your Dad’s birthday and Lynne’s brother Jeans birthday (he will be 91)

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