a few fun trips in one weekend…

october 9-12. 2009
Clarke(grandpa), Karen, and Brian(my little bro) came and visited the East Coast for five days, and it was a lot of fun. We took Brian apple picking on Friday, which I made the mistake of not telling the kids a number of apples to pick, and 60 pds. later, we were loading apples in the car! Well, we’ve been eating apples for awhile, making fruit roll-ups, and eating dehydrated apples which we LOVE, so it was well worth it! We had a smores night by the fire pit that evening, which was so enjoyable. I love the chilly air by a warm fire with stars out-Fall is beautiful!

On Saturday, the whole clan, and grandma Betty and Aaron and Cami and fam joined us and we went to the Renaissance Festival. It was fun to see and experience, and crazy to see how much people really really really get into it! It was such a fun day, eating under trees while it rained, and when it stopped raining, it was beautiful weather. Watching glass blowing, to riding horses and jousting, was just a blast!

Sunday, Aaron and Cami blessed their baby Cael. That was sweet to be apart of!

Then on Monday, we went to DC, parked and walked to Ford’s Theatre, walked past the White House(which was blocked by some white tents!), then walked over to the Washington Monument, then walked down to the Lincoln Monument, then walked past the White House again back to the parking garage. Wow, it was a lot of walking, but it was so worth it! I snapped way too many pic’s, but it was beautiful! And I found a new path I didn’t know was there with a large pond. It was great visiting with family, and was a wonderful weekend!

jarom’s yearly byu football game…

september 5. 2009
Trying to catch up on things we’ve done, I can’t leave out Jarom’s exciting trip to the new Cowboy’s Stadium to watch BYU play against Oklahome(who was ranked 3rd) in Dallas Texas. He had a blast, joining up with his buddies from mission and college days. Stan, Mike, Dave and Jarom went to probably one of the best games, and BYU actually won this one!

There are pictures of them all around Texas, even pictures of them standing on the grassy knoll where Kennedy was shot. Also, a funny pic of the boys having a picnic in Wal-mart in the what looks to be camping gear area, until they were kicked out-how awesome is that?

Hopefully the tradition of meeting up once a year for a BYU game will continue through our lives, it’s so great for them to get out and be boys, and cheer for BYU!