Month: February 2009
toast anyone?
nadia, caught getting in the kitchen…
february 2009
Nadia is watching her older sisters, and figuring out what to do in the new kitchen. It’s a bit different than the plastic one we have downstairs, it’s a bit more realistic. It’s adorable watching the girls have so much fun and pretend.
montessori munipulatives…
fun with montessori blocks and color tiles…
february 2009
Fun designs the girls did with montessori things. Brown stairs and the pink tower, and color tiles.
little madison…
my little madison…
february 2009
Oh, my cute little 7 year old Madison. What an original kid! She keeps us laughing, keeps doing the same old things that I don’t like, and is just herself, a wonderful, beautiful little girl.
grandma lott and alex…a day out…
a day out with grandma lott…
february. 2009
Betty took Alex out for some “girl time,” and they had so much fun. They went to the Japanese Steak House for lunch, then went and got their nails done. Then they went to the dollar store, then went for some ice cream. What a fun grandma! We are grateful to have the Lotts apart of our lives!