Month: February 2009
february. 2009
I have a photo project due for my class with NYIP, and a couple of the projects are specific on what to work on, shutter, aperature, iso, lighting, and so on and so on. A couple of my pic’s for my class. Thanks to my assistant Alex, we were able to capture our conure flying in midair.
don’t shshsh me!
babies do the funniest things…
february 22. 2009
At dinner tonight, and a lot of the time at dinner, Nadia will get a little anxious to eat while we say prayer, and will start to fuss. Tonight, I shshsh’d her, and a few second later, she shshsh’d me back. We started cracking up, it was pretty funny, and really adorable. So we would have her shshsh throughout dinner, for instant replays. What a funny baby!
dreams, thoughts, and hopes of what’s to come…
important tidbits to remember…
february 22. 2009
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Alex, age 10: a marine biologist, the President of the United States, and an author.
Madison, age 7: a singer
Camden, age 5: a piano teacher, a violin teacher, an ice skating teacher, a regular teacher, work at panera bread, help those that need things.