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the teenage years begin!…

december 21. 2011

Alex is officially a teenager. I think the moodiness began more around the age of 12, but I’m sure that was a stage to get us ready for the teenage stage. Trying to think back to when I was a teenager is difficult, one, because my memory isn’t as sharp as it used to be before having kids, and B, I don’t really like to think about my childhood. I want my kids’ childhood to be much happier than mine, more family secure, gospel centered, and just want our kids to make sure they fill loved and that home is a safe place.

Our sweet Alex is truly a wonderful person. She works very hard in school, and in helping around the house and with her sisters. She is such a creative person too, I love that. And very thoughtful, and can be sensitive to others feelings as well, at least most of the time. She catches on to techy stuff so quickly, she can almost fix things as quickly as Jarom!

We have only five years left with Alex before she will be leaving for college, and I want to make sure she is armed with all the skills needed to have a productive, happy life in which to give her a sturdy sounding board to build off of as she grows and makes choices throughout her life.

Happy Birthday sweet Alex! We love you and are so very grateful to have you in our lives. We are so blessed to be able to be your parents, and get to go through life with you!

Now for the birthday details…so we ordered a 6’sub from subway, junk food, and played games…you know, the kind that were always fun as youth. You have to put all the winter attire on, and then eat a candy bar with a fork and knife before someone else rolls a 6. We played wink murder a million times, and it’s amazing how much fun that game can be. I think we played that for an hour and a half. No one was as good as mom, everyone kept trying to beat mom’s score. It was a hoot! Dessert and gifts last, and it was such a fun birthday. Dad got in later from traveling, and of course, that was the greatest treat of all!