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rough night and rough day-

friday.  june 12.  2015

yep-still sick.  today was our big chocolate waffle day with the village kids.  i was able to take a shower finally, but crawled back into bed.  jarom got up at 3:45 with alex and madison to get them ready, caught a private boat at the dock at 4:30, rode the 20 minutes to pana, and got them to the church building in pana so they could go on the youth temple trip to quatzeltenango.  they were so excited to go and see one of the temples down here.  jarom got them on a chicken bus with the rest of the youth, and they met others along the way and picked them up, and drove the hour and a half to get there.  they did baptisms and confirmations, and said the temple was muy grande and beautiful.  they had a huge lunch for both of them-only 20Q-$2.60-and started on the hour and a half ride home.  there were bus troubles and it wouldn’t start at one point, but they finally made it.  jarom took camden and nadia-caught the boat to pana to pick up alex and madison, and the downpour began.  it usually rains in the afternoons, but this was a complete downpour, you couldn’t see the lake, it was thundering.  beautiful to watch from the house, but to be in-they were drenched!  they walked from the church, caught the boat from pana to jaibalito, and hiked up to our house.  what an amazing experience though.  going to a temple in central america with mormons in guatemala and doing important work there.  making new friends, experiences they will never forget.

since jess and i were sick today, jarom and cam and nadia, and doug and their three kids went to the village casa to teach about dental, hand out toothbrushes and toothpaste, and cook waffles with nutella.  since there were only about 10 kids there, everyone got 3 waffles.  they loved them!  wish i could have been there.  they did a great job though!   i’m missing out-darn stomach bug.