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piedmont park…

april 2. 2010
Just days after moving in, our sweet friends who we had just met and loved, invited us to play with them, ride bikes, play soccer, and picnic at the huge park in Central Atlanta. It’s beautiful, with ponds, a theater for events including outdoor movies, and bike paths and other great outdoorsy things. Did I mention, great tree climbing? Well, there is!

Being in Atlanta, there is a bit of a shock to the system, at the large amount of same gender things going on. It’s a big hub for that, so that’s been a conversation in which the gospel, the plan of salvation, and the proclamation to the family have been discussed a bit more than previously.

Jarom and I went to a Brave’s game in May with the Hansen’s and Young’s, and we went to this restaurant before the game, so yummy and fun, but when the waitress said, “Here’s your table,” with a deep voice, I almost jumped back. Not quite used to that lifestyle change, but it keeps you on your toes guessing, that’s for sure!