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new friends…

june 22.  2015

we were so grateful to meet american families down here, and have fun getting to know them.  the kelly kids decided they wanted to come back out and hang with us and the village kids today.  they came early and we had lunch together, and then we headed down to be with all the ninos y ninas.  some days it’s crazy, especially when the boys get a game going.  alex taught everyone how to make origami frogs, and then the games outside.  after being there a couple hours, we told everyone it was time to go, and we headed to the school field to watch the kids play  little more.  they get a little wild sometimes, and we were tired, so we headed up to the house.  we were figuring boat times, and thought we were playing it safe to catch the last boat to pana, and figured we’d have dinner together at hans’.  after ordering dinner, we find out the boats had stopped going to pana at 5:30, not 8:00-i totally had the directions of the boats and their times mixed up.  devon called and got a private boat, and we finished eating and visiting.  even though we messed up the boat times, it turned out being fun having the kids stay longer and visiting with them.  tiffany and timeca and nadia played together so well the entire time.  we had great discussions about what’s important in life, plans for the future, and traveling.  we dropped the kids off at the dock, and it’s pitch dark except for a couple lights in the village.  the girls and i head home and it was a little scary hiking up the mountain in the dark, but we made it.  we really had enjoyed the day.