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FOCA bill…

jan. 2009
President Obama has already signed lifting the ban against the U.S. funding foreign abortions. He quickly and quietly signed on Friday. He has also signed sending
$40 million of tax payers dollars to China, and other appropriations for abortion, which of course is against what he supposedly claimed that when in office he would try to decrease abortion…Looks like he’s keeping his word:(

We need to stand together, and protect these innocent children being killed. In all of the wars combined in our history, in all those that have died in fighting in those wars, it is not even comparable to how many babies have been killed and are continually being killed. Millions more are dying by abortion, than ALL THOSE THAT HAVE DIED IN ALL THE WARS PUT TOGETHER!

If you feel as strongly as I do about this, sign the petition at, and pass it to those you think feel the same way!


We want to stand up against FOCA. Please take a look and you decide.